
Captain Kirk Kirkland

Kirk Kirkland

Meet Alligator Gar Fishing Guide
Kirk Kirkland

The original alligator gar fishing guide for rod and reel catch and release angling.  I do not shoot gar with a bow and arrow like some other wanna be guides because they have problems catching big gar. With a rod and reel I started guiding alligator gar fishing in 1999. I have caught alligator gar from Mexico to the Mississippi river and all parts in between. As you can see on my website I have caught the largest gar ever by rod and reel a 365 lb alligator gar in 1991. This fish was 9 ft 6 in long.  I have caught 6 fish over 300 lbs , and catch from 1 to 6 fish over 200 lbs each year.

I have amassed over 100 IGFA WORLD RECORDS for all species , no other alligator gar fishing guide has even close.  I am the only gar guide to ever have achieved this.  Come fish with the original and ALWAYS copied Capt. Kirk Kirkland

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River Monsters Logo

Captain Kirk Kirkland
Clients Have More
IGFA World Records
Than Any Other
Guide Or Captain

Map Of Where We Fish

Local Weather

Water Levels

Trinity River

  • Water Level: 130.73 ft